It’s snowing (yeah, like that’s news :) )

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So, apparently it’s the most snow the south’s seen for 18 years. It certainly feels that way, with 3 or 4 inches kicking around the place when I got up, and it’s been snowing on and off (quite reasonable amounts of snow, too) all day. It is the-pretty. We went out for a wander down to the store and the sound of snow crunching under foot accompanied us.

Our street in the snow

I do, however, have to drive to work. A task which I’m certain will be entertaining in the ’69 minor. A shovel’s already made its way into the car, and I’ll be taking other proper essentials, a blanket lives in the boot, so that’s fine, but there’s going to be a camping stove and some drinking water going with me. Not ‘cos I imagine I’ll be stuck for days, but hours in the cold can be a pretty effective chiller.

I dun’ mind though. ‘cos it’s the Pretty.

Mini Snowman (made by Kathryn)

I was going to upgrade the ent-mac today. I got as far as taking the case off and then discovered that there’s no spare SATA cable in there. I thought I had one, but I guess I used it either in the G5 or in the Hackintosh that is at my mum’s. I’ll have to pick up a new SATA cable. Thankfully there’s a spare SATA powersupply cable, so that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Lots to copy across and then we’ll be able to continue much as before :)

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to sleep very late today, and thus am feeling a bit groggy. I didn’t get the DAF to the windscreen place, because they’re all going “Ack! It’s snowing!” so… yeah.

Anyway, I’m thinking I might have a little kipplet. There’s pictures of Mogs in the Snow here.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.