Tired: Check
Awake too early: Check
Failed to do any PILS: Check
Picked up ChangeOfNameForDrivingLicenceFormSinceTheyDidn’tSendItToMe: Check
Changed name at GP: Check
Dropped off Prescription Repeat: Check
Tired: Check. Oh, I did that one already.
I’m currently attempting to suck down the entire internet, this is because I’ve discovered that Pushing Daisies made it to Season 2. Well, technically I think that’s actually the second half of Season 1. There I was bemoaning the absence of BSG from the TV and suddenly I find myself suffused in the joy of Pushing Daisies.
It’s weird, for someone who really doesn’t watch very much TV I have the shows I like, and I do like to watch ’em.
Anyhow. On the way back from my little trip out into the cold wet world, I poked my nose in to the abandoned garage down the road. That was a bit of an experience. Having discovered that the door is, in fact, not actually attached, merely propped and held by the padlock (the hinges have gone the way of, something, uh, dodo related); I felt that it didn’t really matter too much if I stuck my head round. So I did. And then my body, and following that, my legs. I’m not convinced it’s even useable. I had thought I could try and contact the owner of the property and rent/borrow the garage. But having looked inside, the roof is, as I vaguely recalled, held up by a scaffold prop. In fact, the roof in the little atrium bit I stuck my head into is not, in fact, held up by anything other than ‘being there’. The prop having long since failed to do anything useful, because the joist next to the prop’s fallen down (it’s held up by a ladder, leaning against the wall), and the next joist along is just hanging in mid air.
The shelter provided by the front would be handy, but it really needs re-roofing; or at least, some new joists. And I doubt the current owner, with his plans to pull it down, would really give a fig about the fact that the roof’s about to cave in.
It is still vaguely tempting to ask around to find out if anyone has the owner’s address, ‘cos if he’d let me use it for free, then it’d be quite handy – I could spend 20 quid on new joists and repair the bit of roof I need, caring little for the atrium, and work on the cars in there.
Anyway, at the moment I feel like sleeping, so I might just do that, and wait for Kathryn to ring and say she’s nearing Slough so as I can go meet her, get photos, and we can send off the Visa application.