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Gargling with salt makes me retch; at least, it fairly frequently makes me retch. On the plus side; unlike the last few days I’m actually feeling moderately human like. I’m very tired from last-night’s hourly (or less) waking up cycle; but the rest of me is feeling more or less back the way it should. I even made it to the shops to get paracetamol and ‘brufen. Of course, while there and feeling astonishingly tired I ended up being the only witness to a (very minor) car accident (car vs car in car park) – and despite trying to escape my guilt got the better of me – and when the cab driver flagged me down and asked if I’d seen what happened (and I had) I admitted it, and in the end gave my name.

My throat does still feel like I’ve been munching on sandpaper tho’, even despite all the gargling.

On the plus side – I spent some time playing with Garageband. I’ve got a whole bunch of jobs that need doing; but playing with Garageband comes first ;)

More accurately, I’m really tired and not feeling great and can’t get the energy summoned to deal with the mounds of paperwork which are accruing. I’ve spent the morning reading and the later morning and lunch time area creating bizzare tunes in Garageband and now, the afternoon’s contined with some Yes Minister and some Big Bang Theory.

One thing which is disconcerting. The EntMac in the lounge has a 500Gig disk in it. 500 Gigs of storage. That should be quite a lot, I thought, when I bought it. It has 60 gig free. I know I’ve got 35 gig to put on it…

This is ‘inconvenient’.

I’m thinking I might have to burn some of the lesser watched shows onto DVDs to clear space on it. But it’s somewhat of a pig, the idea was that the 500 Gig drive’d do to store ‘most all the TV I (now we) wanted. At least ’til we were over in Canada. But it’s getting a little cramped on there. The other thing I ought to do is get rid of some of the stuff which I’ve got which I don’t actually like/watch. I’m saddened to find that as with Monty Python, the Kids In the Hall suffers from the ‘there are plenty of great sketches but they’re interspersed with a greater quantity of not very funny things than I remembered’. Season 5 appears better than Season 2 anyway :)

So that’s my day so far :)


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.