An Error of Judgement

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So, due to a slight error of judgement; or more accurately, an error of tiredness, after my night shifts I lay down on the bed with every intention of getting up at 1030. Sadly, my intentions failed to come to any kind of fruition due to a slight slip up in the whole ‘switching the alarm clock on’ part of the plan. So, whilst I had set the alarm clock my sleep continued uninterupted unti 1630 when I awoke and cursed the deitys for letting me sleep so long.

Not only did that mean that yesterday was pantsed; but also that today is screwed because (as I feared) I woke up (first at 1:30 and got back to sleep around 2ish, then) at 3am with no hope of getting back to sleep. After half an hour of lying there trying different things I eventually snunk out of bed (so as not to wake Kathryn who’s up at 5 anyway) and decided to make use of e-bay to sort out the bits needed for home hub replacement. Since we’re not going for an equivalent replacement we’re not going to be using a piece of twine connected to a tin can, the other end of which is located near a computer. Instead I’ve laid my hands on what I’m sure will be an adequate piece of technology, one of the Linksys ethernet VOIP adaptors, a set of DECT phones (assuming I win the auction), and I shall be ordering the broadband from the other supplier shortly. I was worrying about futzing with the internal house phone network to make it so that that upstairs could have a phone, but cunningly (and I think this is awfully cunning myself) by getting a bunch of DECT phones it means that we don’t have to do that. Ra for Teknowledgie.

At any rate, I now have to come up with plans for the day which, instead of yesterday being my ‘super tired don’t try and do anything complex’ day today’s that day. I’ve got a pile of ‘stuff’ to sort out (ah, the joys of being an adult with a mortgage and bills and also sorting out my mum’s car insurance claim); and I’ve also got a Viva to see if I can retrieve-ah. (See, you can tell that I’m tired, I’m making rhyming jokes).

No one’s yet come up for an explanation for it’s bizzaroid behaviour – I certainly haven’t managed to come up with one. Absolutely nothing I can think of would give the precise set of problems it seems to be having. Depressingly I suspect ‘erattic behaviour due to nadgered connectors’ is the most likely cause of problems. With Rebecca I had to do a day of sitting in the engine bay, hunched over, cleaning connectors. All the connectors. 30 years does for a lot of corrosion make. 30 years plus sporadic significant coolant leaks does, I’m sure, do something similar. So I may go on a longish wander (B&Q (emery paper), plumber’s merchant (high level cistern flush mechanism (ideally a ‘flapper’ rather than a siphon), halfords (radiator cap)) and collect various bits. Thing is, I really want to get the bathroom done this week, and it’s already wednesday. (By done, I’m referring to having all the water pipes connected up, the heater in place and such like). My ‘two weeks off’ now feels substantially shorter.

So yes. I actually had a positively pleasant set of nights. While some were busy, none were utterly hideous and whilst I often didn’t get a break (beyond swigging a cup of water) until 2am I’d always get time to wash the beds down and have a proper break by the end of the shift. Which is something I haven’t always got in the past.

I did get some positively stupid people. The ‘I have no allergies’ woman who announced (after I’d put the wound dressing on) that she was allergic to them. Not ‘very’ allergic, but she’d get a reaction, apparently.

Why she didn’t tell me this when I said ‘are you allergic to anything’ I am not entirely sure.

I’m certain there were other things I intended to comment on about nights, but they’ve gone now; gone and headed off to wherever it is in my brain that the miriad of days that pass in a blur lurk. I can’t believe it’s only 0517. It’s painful.

I was going to comment on this (courtesy of yueni) – but I don’t really know what to say. It’s cool to see that women are throwing off their gender roles, and being themselves for themselves in Japan, but I find the complete switch to the men taking what was previously the female role rather disconcerting. Fine, for the being looked after and such, if that’s what they like – but the fashion concious to the stage of damaging their health, and the whole aquiescing for the sake of a quiet life thing, that’s not right. Relationships should be equal…at least, imho.

Anyway, I’m gonna go read my book now… :)


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.