
Comments Off on Nerves…

Actually, for once this isn’t a post about Kathryn moving in. Things are progressing nicely in that direction – I have the world’s worst hanging rail which should mean that there’s lots of drawer-space available. I should be able to commence tidying soon; and through an aggressive ‘interesting’ policy, I think I’ll be able to squeeze the CDs that are going ‘in the box’, in the box.

So, that only leaves getting the plumbing working – so that we can switch to the upstairs bathroom asap. Which isn’t a huge job, it’s just a difficult and complex one. Anyone got any tips for cleaning up Victorian radiators? And connecting them? I think it’s got a 1″ pipe connection on it, but I’ve never tried to use one like the one it’s got, so I may go to the plumbing place and say ‘hey, I’ve got one of these – what do I connect it with?’ (taking a photo with me, as opposed to say, the radiator, on the basis that Kathryn, Brick and my back would be out to kill me if I decided to ‘nip’ to the plumb place with that radiator).

No, the nerves have come because some of my very lovely friends have asked me to DJ at their wedding. I’ve not DJ’d since, uh, hrm, 1999/2000, and feel a little out of practice. I mean, I’ve done some party playlists; but not actually one-disk-after-another DJd. So it’s a trifle scaryfying. I shall have to get some practice in before hand, but I am feeling better about it having been sat here playing track-after-track and starting to get that ‘this track goes next’ feeling again. It comes back, it’s like when I’m making party playlists; I guess I DJ to myself there, playing one track and going ‘yes, now this one’, then skipping most of the way through it and going ‘ah, yes, this one next’…

Anyhow, I guess I better get washed; things to do, people to save… ;)


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.