So, in my back garden there’s a big tub-o-rain water. A barrel if you will. A big 20 (maybe 40?) gallon drum. It has no lid on it. I’ve always thought that when the shed was done, I would use the run off from that (and maybe arrange the guttering so it caught some of the run off from the garages behind) to fill the container. Unfortunately, at the moment it’s about 6 foot from the house, and it’s also about half full of really revolting water.
Plan was, tip it over, let the water drain away, and move it when I sort out the shed.
Great plan, slight hitch. One, the builder piled all his rubble next to it.
And two, when I walked past yesterday I noticed some movement in there; now; unfortunately for me (the squeamish among you may want to stop reading here) I looked across.
I wasn’t expecting anything, really, I’ve looked in there a few times, hell, my builders were using it as water to mix concrete, and that was one of my plans. But yeeees. I looked in and I saw maggots. Maggots roaming and squriming on a dead bird floating in the water. It is one of the most revolting things I’ve seen in my life; even my nursing and the sights and smells hadn’t really prepared me for the odour or the *please leave* signals from my brain.
But now I don’t know what to do. I really have absolutely no idea how to get the damn thing gone. It is unutterably grim, and the concept of going near it doesn’t exactly fill me with joy. That and the water which was previously grim through standing now is….even more unpleasant. Let’s put it that way. But my thought is that I want rid of both the water and the poor deceased creature…but I don’t really want that water anywhere near my house. But I can’t move it. Argh.
Help, anyone?