Today I spent nearly all of the day on the Toronto Islands. My god it’s so pretty there. Do I keep saying it’s pretty? Well it is pretty. So, let’s start with the morning… I ran a bit late this morning and so made a fairly quick trip to get to the train… which just to demonstrate that my opinion of toronto’s public transport was somewhat biased toward the positive side was late… It’s still CLEAN though :-)
Anyway, having got into Toronto I headed down to the waterfront with my Second Cup pumpkin spice latte (how could I miss that on the menu?!). Before heading down and missing the Ferry out to the islands. It was such a gorgeous day though, I couldn’t miss the chance to go out onto the islands today; so I wandered off, bought some post cards and then headed back catching the next ferry a mere hour later… And headed out to the islands. To be honest I had little idea what to expect – and was stunned by what was there.
It is just *gorgeous*. Completely separate from Toronto and completely different. It is beautiful… So I walked…and walked…and walked. I did the whole of the island from Ward’s Island ferry to Hanlan’s Point Ferry, and then back on the other side of the island. Along the way I took… photos. Yes, of course. Sorry. There’s quite a few…
The other weirder thing that happened, as I was taking a photo of the spit of land from the boardwalk I met a guy from Toronto Island’s Fire Dept – who invited me into the fire dept on my way *back* from my loop of the island. So I headed off, down the island. It was about the point I passed the oh-so-closed refreshment place which I think is at Avenue of the Islands that I started to regret not eating lunch or bringing anything to drink. The water-fountains are off this time of year too… But pretty quickly I was back to looking at the scenery and had forgotten my hunger. Eventually I made it back to the fire-station, but sadly blokie bloke was busy with work – so I chatted to one of the other firemen (‘he said there was some strange English girl who was going to drop in’) for a bit before deciding I should probably head toward the ferry… not least because my feet were *killing* me.
So I made it back to the ferry and headed back across the water to Toronto, arriving at the station to find something which can probably be described as moderate chaos; there was a signal failure at Mimico (sound familiar?!) but fortunately, although the train before mine hadn’t left even when mine did; mine still left on time. Raaar. And now I’m knackered, and my knees hurt.