Warranty Void If….oh bollocks

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So, the Dell had begun to get very sick. The screen would alternately flicker and go bright white, the casing had cracked and it was clear that it wouldn’t last the trip to Canada; so given the impending move to places new I decided it was time to fix it.

I may have voided the warranty…

So here’s the laptop in bits – it was actually more in bits than this so I could drill holes in the lid casing. This is actually as I started to put it all back together…

Laptop in teeny tiny bits

So, here it is working, what you can’t tell from this is that I completely reassembled it (bar one screw which I couldn’t work out where it went) turned it on and the screen didn’t work. I then swore quite a bit, and ended up taking it completely to pieces. It turned out that a piece of tape I’d put in to protect the screen cable from the screws I’ve put in was insulating the screen against a contact it needed. Grrr.

Anyway, attempt two and it’s working.

Laptop back together and working

And here’s the high-quality, warranty voiding finish:

laptop 3

In other news, despite multiple attempts I’ve not managed to transfer the money from savings to current so it can go to loans and credit cards, my PIN appears to have changed (seriously, I’m 100% certainer than certain that I know what it should be); nor have I managed to contact the Matron of where I’m starting in a week and a half to find out when I should arrive.

On the plus side accomodation is now arranged.

On the minus side, the second letter from the hospital says I’m at *the other* base site. This is ‘worrying’. I didn’t notice until, well, after we’d arranged accomodation (and I’d attempted to buy a house). I’ve now realised that the second letter is right, the first insanely wrong (wrong salary, wrong base site, wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong). Which is slighly bad…

Never mind eh. NHS.

In other, other news, I will be without internet for at least a month. So, in a few days time (well, about 9) expect me to go a bit quiet like.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.