A pagoda of electric bikes

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So I spent most of the day helping Nikki and Kate with their BeVOB thing (Bristol Electric Vehicle Owners…err. Um, yeah. Not sure *exactly* what it stands for right at this moment) – mostly I was filming, but periodically people asked questions, and as the day wore on I even started to know what the answers were.

It was a quietly entertaining day, even if somewhat tiring.

I now have about an hour of video to edit down. Hopefully I’ve got some useful stuff – but it’s difficult to tell, because I’ve realised I don’t have a firewire cable. One thing that really impressed me though, is how Colerne’s kind of positive about this stuff. When I lived there Wiltshire council were saying that they weren’t going to provide recycling facilities because Colerne was too small. So it seems the residents have taken it upon themselves to provide what the council won’t. And they’ve gone lots further. So yes, very impressed.

As Kate pointed out, it was interesting how skewed the sex bias was though, lots of women asking about electric bikes and scooters, much more so than men. Intriguing as to why…

Anyway, on arriving back at John’s I found the source of the headache which appeared in the car on the way back. The exhuast that was replaced in May, the life-time guaranteed, stainless steel, you’ll only need one, ever exhaust… has broken, again, by the front silencer. Impressed I am not. I’ll ring them tomorrow and ask them to change it again. Yet again I’ll have to pay, to get some piece of crap changed, but this time I’ll stick in that extra hole in the floor to support it before I go.

I’ve got rather a lot planned for tomorrow, so I best get on this evening, although I think I need a bit of a break first. And maybe a nice slice of cheese.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.