…or not. I am trying to find the enthusiasm to work. I know I should, but I feel rough and tired. I shall get on later though and do some work. I really need to, especially if I do take my mum to the Lakedistrict tomorrow (she wants to go and look at houses). I think having to barbed-wire the river may have been the last straw for her; she’s really fed up with fighting with the local brats.
This has prompted me to have another look at property in B’ham, and I’ve found one I like, which is frustrating, ‘cos I may very well not get a job there. Still, it proves to me that property’s not impossible to get :-)
Of course, I may well be in an arena where the price stays the same when I sell – which is fine – just so long as it doesn’t fall. This is a phenominally dull entry, so I think I’ll stop it there. I think I had a point when I started writing, but after looking at pin-hole cameras, property, what the ward I’m going to does (vascular surgery), and thinking about applying for the M’chester job, well, now I’ve got no idea what I was going to write about (I was probably going to whine about being ill – I got soooo much sympathy from my mum yesterday (“But you need to get better, I need you to take me to the lake district”); in fact, I got more sympathy over LJ from Liz than anywhere else).
Anyway, I should stop whining and get on with doing *something*. I think my plan is:
Job application
And at some point route planning.
Incidentally, the one and only good thing about being ill (apart from the excuse to watch far too much anime / tv (and remembering how much better watching anime on the TV is over watching it on my monitor)) is the getting well. And how much more alive you feel when you’re well again. I feel so much better today than I did yesterday (despite still being a being consisting mostly of blocked sinuses and a headache) and I kind of feel full of life – and when I’m properly well; well that always feels damn good. So yes.