Hello humans, this is Kate here. Kate has a cold. Kate is not actually particularly unwell with her cold, and is more frustrated by her body’s unwillingness to do what she’s telling it to do. For example, work is hampered by a stinking headache and the concentration span of a goldfish. Still, she’s managed one and a half papers of critical reviewing, which means there’s only one and a half papers left to do before she starts writing like a demon for her next meeting.
She’s trying to drink plenty, but mostly this is making her feel sick. Well, actually, she feels sick anyway (as is pretty much normal for Kate-with-a-stupid-cold) but drinking is making it worse. Bah.
She’s burned some DVDs for Kara and some for Aunt PeterAnn (she hopes); and will shortly start on burning the final one. She’s also watched an episode of Changing Rooms, and one of Quincy. She’s listened to Tapping the Vein and Goldfrapp. She is, fundamentally, very bored but hasn’t really got the attention span to do anything else. She was tempted to write a howlsthunder like post about her past, but has decided that it’d not really be that interesting, and she’d probably get bored halfway through.
Kate wishes to point out to her body that getting colds, while somewhat rarer than it used to be remains a frustrating habit, and one that it should perhaps consider attempting to break. Thus ends todays Kate announcements.