So, another day another, well, hell, I’ve got up. That’s a good start.
I’ve eaten breakfast. I’m going to wander off and have a shower.
It’s funny, y’know; this whole planning to go abroad. See, I’ve got a lot of crap. No, seriously, a lot. There’s things that I want to take – and some of those things are pretty big; my car, my motorbike, my bed, my piano. They all have to go. And for sheer quantity; my books.
There is the slow, dawning realisation that although I will miss some of my furniture, I’m better off getting shot of it and buying new stuff over when I arrive. Although there are some things (like my dining chairs) that are quite definately coming with me. And maybe my table. And the green (nee orange) bookcase my dad built (not staggeringly attractive, but it’s been around since my parents were very poor).
Anyway, I know it’s a long way off, but I have these thoughts because – well – they impact my life now. I think ‘oh, there’s no point in getting that, I know I want one but it’s only more crap to move’. And it’s funny to have those thoughts; unexpected; like a lot of stuff in my life, well, it’s… turning out to be more random than I thought it would.
I guess I should get on. I wish my emotions would stay a bit more constant though. I know I’m really shaken by the whole *Trey* stuff, and I know that I need to go and sort out getting councelling. It’s been a bit much, the last few months, really. I was doing okay, y’know, until the whole Trey thing was added onto the whole Dad dying thing and the whole Mum talking about suicide thing.
But yeah. So. I’ve got lots of work to do, but I’m thinking it’s important to give *me* time. No matter how busy I am, it’s important that *I* get time for *me*; otherwise I’m going to head for one of those dramatic disasters. And I don’t want that.
In other news; it’s Rebeccas MOT this month and I need to remember to put the better reflector’d headlamps on and I also, as it happens, need to get hold of a section of exhaust so that I can seal that join better. So a run to Kwik Fit with the hack-saw is probably in order.
In other (other) news, I’m missing swimming. Hopefully Nikki’ll be up for going in the evening next week, when I get back after work… that should be fun. Day shift and then swim in the evening.
In other (other) news, Life on Mars is on on Monday, which looks like it could be very good. I’m trying not to raise my expectations too high, because I don’t want to be disappointed. But, yes, looks good. I’ll miss Auntie Beeb. Still, there’s always friends with videos.
Oooh, I was going to look up and see if my TV does NTSC. And whether it’ll object to 110v. Although having discovered that you can get 220V in the US (at 60Hz, obviously), I’m moderately hopeful for more of my electrical equipment being able to come with me.
See, I’m in a bit of a vague mood this morning. I’ve discovered also that Green Wing is returning for a second seasons, which makes me very happy, it being one of my favourite shows of last year. That, Hustle and Dr Who for UK shows anyway.
I had some other thoughts, but they’ve wandered off somewhere else, and now I have no idea what I was thinking. Oh, yes, I’ve requested a French course. So… expect to hear my french improving. Ra! for more points.