So, yeah. Here. It’s snowy. Really snowy, or should I say ‘real snowy’.
I’ve been ‘good’ today, got down to some work, reading through the UWE stuff; it’s hard though, Trey’s friends are really cool, and it just feels like 3 weeks is piddly-small, I want more time damnit!
To make it extra-special fun, Trey and Rachel and Kaisa (and, in fact, everyone bar Kara) organised and kept secret Rachels visit, so that suddenly at some horrendous time two nights ago, Rachel ‘appeared’ at the window thus totally freaking out Kara. Which was very yay :)
Anyway, yesterday, for the non-Americans among us, was Thanksgiving.
I met a whole load of Kara / Kaisa’s family, which was a bit scary, but fun too. I’m kinda getting the hang of people and starting to be hugely sarcastic come out of my shell; which is cool. We ate yesterday. Ate loads. Ate and entire table full of food. Or there abouts. Pie, including mince pie, which apparently had real moose mince in it. Which is freaky, but was very yummy.
After frolicking in the snow with Rachel and Trey (and Rachel and Trey getting very wet…) we headed out to the stables / closed arena for riding what I believe is technically termed a ‘stompy stompy horse’. In the end Trey and Rachel rode, and I took photos, it got a bit late, so we’ll go back for me to ride later… When I’m not frozen like a katesicicle.
And today, after more sledging… we went SNOWMACHINING!
It just ROCKED.
I’m sure Trey will post pretty pictures of me looking buff on a snow-machine; I didn’t exactly hurtle, but I was getting to around 25mph, and being able to point it and go where I wanted to, it’s kinda like riding an MZ motocross style, but you need to throw your weight around that much more because it’s that much heavier (which is the one bit I’d not quite got the hang of; I still was riding it a bit too much like a bike). But, let’s just be clear about it.
I must move somewhere with more snow immediately. Canada, I hear you calling me* :-)
* See, Alaska’s gorgeous, utterly gorgeous. But my morals won’t quite give in to the US health system.**
** Kara’s mac has a bizzare font set up as an equivalent for whatever WordPress uses as it’s default, which is incredibly bizzare to work with.