“Dear friends,
for the past year, my mother’s cousin, Siamak, and her uncle, Baquer Namazi, have unjustly been imprisoned in Iran. We have now learned that they have been given a 10 year sentence in prison. Our family has been going through very tough times, and with the news of this 10 year sentence we are now scared that our 80-year-old Baquer, who has been suffering from a heart condition alongside other ailments, will not be able to survive.
Both Baquer and Siamak Namazi are respected international citizens who have dedicated their lives and resources to humanitarian causes. They are absolutely innocent and should be freed immediately. As Iranian-Americans, it seems as if they have become victims of a political game that is being played between Tehran and Washington.
It would mean lots to me if you go like/share our Facebook page so that we raise awareness to this injustice and get more support.
For more information, you can also visit our website, www.freenamazis.org”
Please please please help. Reblogging this takes a second and liking the Facebook page as well. What may feel like an inconvenience of two seconds to you is extremely important for my friend. Any support could make a change. Thank you for your time
PLEASE READ AND SHARE THIS. My friend’s relatives have been UNJUSTLY imprisoned for 10 YEARS and her and her family need you to help her raise awareness. This is what she wrote:
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