OK folks: Game night is ON. I have 2 neighbors donating board games appropriate for all ages.
I’m still sick, so this’ll probably start in early December. It’ll be at Burial Grounds in Oly. The new location is at the old Darby’s Cafe.
Thanks to Linda and Elisa, we’ll have all ages board games. Kate’s bringing Jenga and @shadesofmauve is bringing mahjong (right? That was you, wasn’t it?)
That was me, and I’ll also bring RoboRally and Dominion. :)
(We can thank @tinierpurplefishes for Roborally – that’s where my game comes from! She hand-painted all the figures!)
EDIT: All this is assuming I can actually make it – my nights are pretty booked. But you’d be welcome to pick up my games even if I couldn’t come.
Uh! You have RoboRally? That game is teh awesomes. I always meant to get a copy…
And there are other Kates?