Tumblr tends to be very America-centric so can we just turn our eyes for a minute to the UK

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Specifically to this woman. 

Earlier today, Jo Cox, a Labour MP in Northern England, was stabbed and shot at an event in a library. 

It has just been confirmed that she has died due to the attack. 

She was a great campaigner and humanitarian, and has left behind a husband and two children. 

This kind of event happens rarely in the UK, and so this is terrifying and destabilising that such a horrific thing has happened to such a compassionate person. 

Can thoughts on Tumblr turn to the UK today please, and turn to remember a woman who has been brutally murdered after a lifetime of trying to build a better country.

Guys, I’m begging you to reblog this
Jo Cox was a representative, and she was shot while meeting with her constituents.
She has been very vocally advocating for Syrian refugees to enter Britain, and was shot by a man who allegedly shouted “Britain first” several times.
She died within an hour.
<b>Please give her death and life the attention it deserves.