Minecraft Creator Builds Elaborate Fantasy World Where He Is Oppressed By Women

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Minecraft Creator Builds Elaborate Fantasy World Where He Is Oppressed By Women









Stuff like this makes me thank all the gods there are that I don’t date men

Gah dammit Notch I trusted you

We just don’t understand how hard it is being a sucessful white straight cis man apparently

wait THAT’s who that was!? FUCK

I used to think notch was cool and someone worth aspiring to be like. But then he made more money than god and wound up with nothing but free time to show the internet how much of a fucktruck he really is.

This post misses out on his “counter” term to mansplaining as well.

So if you see the hashtag “#cuntfusing”, that’s what it’s about. Because “mansplaining” is a “derogatory term toward [his] gender”, so he had to make up his own considerably-more-derogatory term.

Fuck Notch forever, basically.