Advanced Warning – Clinton likely to build lead until 15 March, Sanders will start comeback after that date. • /r/SandersForPresident

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Advanced Warning – Clinton likely to build lead until 15 March, Sanders will start comeback after that date. • /r/SandersForPresident



Definitely a good thing to read over before we all start having heart attacks on Super Tuesday.

Super-Short Version: A lot of the states that are voting in the Primaries on Tuesday lean heavily towards Hillary, so there’s a good chance Bernie’s gonna look like he’s taking a huge hit this week. In the weeks afterwards, however, the states that have been leaning towards Bernie will have their Primaries, so he’ll make a comeback then… Assuming, of course, that we don’t all get discouraged from the Super Tuesday results and remember to vote. Apparently, the same thing happened back in ‘08, with Hillary gaining huge leads on Super Tuesday but Obama making a comeback afterwards to get the nomination.

In any case, keep yer hopes up, no matter what happens on Tuesday! Oh, and once again… Make sure you go out and vote!

I don’t think all the votes are in yet, but when I’m writing this, it looks like the proportions of pledged delegates have stayed about the same – Bernie has about two-thirds as many as Hillary does.

(When you see people saying Hillary has a substantial lead, like Bernie has less than half her delegates, they’re probably thinking of the numbers including the superdelegates, most of whom currently support Hillary… BUT superdelegates can change their minds right up till the convention in July. If Bernie takes a solid lead in pledged delegates, the superdelegates can switch sides and vote Bernie too. And they might, if they see enough Bernie support to believe he could beat Trump-or-whoever in November. At least, that’s how I understand it. :D)