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I suspect this gift horse is a trojan.

So, apparently the origin of “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” is the latin phrase “Noli equi dentes inspicere donati”. Which is all…
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If you’re voting for Bernie Sanders

marisawhy: sweatpants-socks: please remember: not many are aware, but a president is extremely, extremely, extremelyyyy limited without a supporting senate and congress. for example, if…
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The german side of Tumblr is pissed and here’s why

senthessa: mazi-queen: Maybe you’ve noticed it, maybe you haven’t, but the german side of Tumblr is furious at the moment and it’s all the fault of…
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autie-commie: Because of Hillary Clinton’s recent statement about the Ronald and Nancy Reagan and AIDS, just a small reminder that the Clinton administration, on behalf…