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So, as my best beloved pointed out to me yesterday, I do have a tendency to overdo it. As I collapsed into the bed, exhaustion washing over me I contemplated that maybe I’d gone a bit far with the garden. I’ve been trying to do the path for what seems like a while now (although that’s mostly due to the fact that I spent a lot of time moving soil first, then hurt my arm), and yesterday whilst I wasn’t expecting to finish it, we made a lot of headway in that general direction. So much so that I’ve now run out of bricks.

Being as it was our weekend off, and the weekend between our respective birthdays, Saturday my mum came up to visit and we pootled out showing her some bits of Bristol and then spending a lot of money (by our standards) on something terribly, terribly exciting.

A sheet.

And some pillow cases.

Yes, you know you’re truly no longer one of the youf when the prospect of a brand new sheet is something quietly thrilling*.

Then we slid down to the garden centre and bought her birthday / new year presents. Which proved to be dangerous as we brought back some plants for ourselves, too. Including an insanely fluffy little alpine that’s now in the rockery.

The evening, after my mum had headed home, was spent at a gorgeous restaurant which we’ve visited before called ‘Flinty Red’. It serves incredible food, and was the cause of much delight. Then we wandered down to Bristol to catch some music and relax before heading home…

It turned out not to be the group I thought it was, but a pair of musicians who play under the name Paruski. I’ve not seen them before, they have no webpage that I can find, and mercilessly thieve from Russian and Celtic sources to produce entertaining medleys whilst wandering around the bar, out onto the street, up and down the stairs.

It turned out to be great fun, and something I was reminded that we should do more of.

Then Sunday we attacked the garden. I was, it turns out, somewhat overzealous (not realising how exhausted I was until I slumped into the chair after dinner); which is something I need to learn to not do to myself. Partly it didn’t help that I got myself into a bit of a war with a tree that I want to fell. It’s not a proper tree, but one that’s been chopped down each year and has therefore managed to make fairly solid roots whilst actually being fairly titchy on top. I’d been about to sit down and stop and then got distracted and, well, wore myself out digging and yanking on the tree. I was in fact so bloody tired that I’m still knackered today.

However, the path is way further down the garden which is pleasing. Also, following some discussion with my best beloved, we have a modified plan for the lower section of the garden, which should be rather pretty and involves my favourite (free) building material. Pallets. Yay.

The other nice thing about having the paths creeping around is that they delineate the beds, giving me, at least, a better idea of where everything is going to go.

Today has mainly been a shopping and realising that I over did it yesterday day; although I’ve put the belt onto the Dyson DC07 and practiced the various instruments again.

I've been tormenting the ivories again...

Uh, so it’s been pretty busy and there has been progress, but perhaps I need to be a little more… gentle with myself.

* To be honest it’s about time. Our linens are something of a disaster area, with there being few sheets (err, three) that fit the bed. Two of those sheets are over 20 years old and essentially transparent they’re so thin, and one is just a teensy bit short, I think it may have shrunk in the wash. The other sheets (all, sadly, newer ones) – one ripped as it was coming off the bed a while ago and the fitted ones don’t fit the new mattress as it’s thicker than they allow for.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.