Thoughts and Tea and Blurgh

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So, as I may have mentioned earlier – I had a lie in this morning. By a lie-in I mean ’08:30′, not anything particularly exotic. Unfortunately, despite having lived in this body for 32 years I’ve still not learned that my body has a way of punishing any slight transgression of the no-lie-in-unless-you-suck-down-a-pint-of-water-at-the-same-time-or-are-ill rule.

I get a raging headache. And sometimes feel a bit sick. I’ve been rewarded with both of them, ameliorated slightly by Paracetamol (aka tylenol or acetaminophen), ‘brufen and food. However it’s still there, quietly kicking me in the head. I’ve decided, therefore, to go for a walk after this cup of refreshing tea.

I’ve also decided to put the washing machine through a hot wash because it smells a bit, well, mank. Okay, a bit stale. It’s not awful but I’ve no desire to wait for ‘awful’ so I think fixing it now is a good plan. I’ve also sprayed the pepper…

… with some organic bug killer because the fracking thing is covered in fruit-flies, again. I’ve no idea where they come from, but hopefully this will prevent the little white eggs turning into more of the buggers.

We’ve also hit crisis point in the tea department. The tea drawer is now at capacity (where, to be honest, it’s been for a while. The state’s just been exacerbated by the purchase of some new samples and some more of the black tea that we like). But tea’s so nice… and there’s such an exciting range of it :)

It wouldn’t be quite such a problem, but our overflow tea storage is… well… overflowing.

Anyhow. That wasn’t why I decided to do a new post – nor was it merely filling to consume time while I drink my tea and wish I felt better. No.

This is a floating concept, has anyone played with, ought I to… post. See, using the time honoured tradition of putting stuff out of my head by filling it with useless crap, I’m contemplating footling with the website. This is because I spoke to the mortgage company who informed me that I couldn’t possibly afford the current mortgage (which I have), and therefore they couldn’t actually carry the mortgage over. The amount they’re now willing to lend is 9k less than our current mortgage. Ironically, if my grandfather’s inheritance comes through they’re willing to lend a whopping 30k *more*. However, since I like breathing I shan’t be holding my breath. Since the Tax-People are still f*cking about with it and asking for more documentation, my hope of even seeing it this year seems diminishingly small.

This doesn’t make the house that we want unaffordable, I don’t think, but it does make it harder for the time being. Although – smaller mortgage payments – that’d be good. Photos of the potential house here.


So. The website (distraction therapy) – the site is, to be honest, a bit messy. It’s got my podcast lurking on there (subdomain all of it’s own) – which I originally wanted to install using one of the hacks for WordPress 2.x that allowed multiple instances with one installation. Of course, that didn’t work so it’s got it’s own WordPress install. This would be fine – but there’s a possibility that I’ll be hosting a Kathryn domain on here, and that would, therefore, need it’s own wordpress install. Which would essentially mean I’d be having 3 installs to maintain.

Not only that, but the top of the domain, while I am still proud of the design – and don’t think it’s dated badly in the 6 years it’s been up is pure, hand coded, fixed HTML. It uses server side includes, because that was where I was at in 2004 – and that meant that theoretically I could throw a new design up in mere minutes. The content, however, has been static since 2004 – possibly with the odd tweak to individual pages. It would be nice, perhaps, to replace it all with a shiny new site. And if I were to get around to it I could, theoretically, make it all a new WordPress Network site, with a couple of shiny new domains for Kathryn and my projects. The problem is, as you’d expect, this is a fair amount of work – and very little reward at the end of it. It’s not like anyone actually reads the site, but since I’m doing the DBJ podcast I feel more inclined to update it.

Meh, anyhow. I’m back to feeling moderately awful, so I might go lie down…


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.