It appears that we have visitors in our house. Well, at least one visitor who I have to say is not welcome. We’ve gained a small brown furry thing of the mouse variety who (unfortunately for him or her) crossed the kitchen last night while I could still see (him or her). Small and brown and moving swiftly. So this evening we shall be off out to purchase some humane traps, and our unwelcome’d guest will be taken on a free tour out to the local countryside.
I spent some of last night sticking flour/sugar/etc into boxes, and have some concerns about the rice (which is open, and I didn’t think to seal). I have an idea where they’re coming from though – it came from the larder and sprinted all fuzzy like towards the fridge (bloody food orientated creatures), but on thinking about it I recalled a hole, a hole located behind the washing machine. When they took out the wall the floor there was a bit lower than the floor in the rest of the room, and there’s a small gap where what was once the hearth has crumbled. I’m not afraid of mice, but I don’t like them in the house for a variety of reasons, one of which is their tendancy to get in all your food (and make you have to throw it away), another is their tendancy to urinate and defacate everywhere. So, catching the buggers is high up on the priorities list; and sealing that hole (and checking the larder, which is more of a dog than you might believe, since the new boiler’s being stored in there and it’s not light) is also very high up.
The problem is, with the building work there’s boxes and things stacked everywhere, which makes life a little more difficult.
Anyhow, progress: yesterday I finished painting the ceiling above the shower, not a huge thing I realise, but it meant that the missing light could go into it’s snuggly little hole, which means that the room is now much warmer again. The tiles are done bar 8, which I’ll have to cut and do today, and maybe a nasty little shimmy-tile because of a wall that’s not straight.
So then it’s on with the grouting and the painting. I may clear the area in front of the radiator-space so I can paint that today. Then it’ll be top-coat-able by tomorrow. Yes. So. That’s basically the plan for the day.
In other news, this talk by Larry Lessig is very good / interesting… And Brick still lurketh at the garage.