post-scarcity part 11: vinyl revenue reaches 20% of CDs | Crime and the Blog of Evil

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post-scarcity part 11: vinyl revenue reaches 20% of CDs | Crime and the Blog of Evil


Wherein I continue to be bemused by the revival of the vinyl LP, and suggest that it may be in part due to something the RIAA did not manage to destroy.

I suspect it’s in part about ownership, and in part the whole experience of listening to vinyl. Music has become so much background noise. We have it on in the car, on the train, while we’re walking, it’s on in shops…

…listening to an vinyl album is an physical experience. It’s getting the record out from the sleeve, placing it on the turntable, putting the needle on the the record… it makes you take part – and once it’s playing you’re required to pay more attention to it (at least, with my deck) because you at the very least need to lift that stylus off at the end of the side.